Embrace It All!
Although living with anxiety can be a challenge, did you know that you can really enjoy your life and thrive, despite dealing with anxiety? I know, because I have dealt with anxiety since the age of 10. This podcast is for anyone who deals with anxiety and overwhelm regularly. Each week you will come to understand that anxiety and overwhelm do not define who you are. You are so much more! Whether you are a young adult, just starting out, a mom in the middle of raising a young family, or you are in the mid stage of life, you will be able to understand and take charge of your emotions, in particualr anxiety and overwhelm, by listening to and applying the concepts and the tools I teach here and in no time you will see how you can embrace and love all of it.
123 episodes
How EMDR Therapy Unlocked the Trauma in my Brain
In this episode I briefly share how EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) Therapy helped to unlock not only the trauma from Jessica's death, but trauma from years before. I will explain what it is designed to do and my own expe...

How Self-Compassion is Healing the Wounds
It's been awhile, I know. Over the last month, my emotions were quite heavy overall. I have felt the pain and sadness of Jessica's absence more than I thought I would. And it confused me. Afterall, it has already been a ...
Season 2024
Episode 122

Traveling Down the Road of Regret is not Worth it
Shortly after Jessica died, I started to travel down the road regret. suddenly I found myself in the state of “ wish I would have and wish I could have”. I wish I would have told her I loved her more often. ...
Season 2024
Episode 121

Choosing to Turn Toward Each Other
Shortly after Jessica's death, a friend of mine shared with me that there is a high percentage of marriages that don't survive after the death of a child. Although shocked at first that she would share this with me so soon after Jessica's...
Season 2024
Episode 120

The Importance of Remembering
For the past several weeks I have been going through pictures and trying to organize them. Each picture created a memory and gave me a chance to reflect on how our family has evolved and grown over the years. The experiences c...
Season 2024
Episode 119

Learning What it Means to Personally Trust God and Let Go
Over that last three months a lot has happened with our family. So many wonderful and hard experiences at the same time. And in the middle of all of it, my faith and trust in God and my Savior was stretched more than it has ev...
Season 2024
Episode 118

Learning to Doubt Not and Fear Not
I am learning that after experiencing a traumatic event, your mind is constantly on high alert, just waiting for the next traumatic thing to happen. This is quite normal, but it is not easy to go through. In this short episode I wil...
Season 2024
Episode 117

Finding Miracles Along the Way
This month was filled with celebrations, and also many "firsts". During the first year after a loved one dies, you experience the holidays and celebrations for the first time without them, and it can be so painful. I've struggled a ...
Season 2024
Episode 116

What I am Learning About Becoming Resilient
Over the last 8 months I am learning what it means to become resilient. Some people think that resiliency means that you brush off your challenges, pull up your boot straps, and move on. But as I continue on this journey, I am comin...
Season 2024
Episode 115

What I am learning from following impressions and feeling anger
There will be times in our lives when we receive strong impressions. Sometimes those impressions make sense, but more often than not, at least in my life, they don't. Today I will share one such impression with you and why I am so g...
Season 2024
Episode 114

When Sleep Doesn't Come
Two months after Jessica's death, I would consistently wake up in the middle of the night with my stomach in knots. I would try to figure out what triggered it, using some familiar tools, but nothing worked. In this episode I will s...

It's Okay to Take it Slow
The way we experience grief can be so different in the way others do. One of the things I am noticing in my own grieving process is that I am moving at a much slower rate than I ever have been. On today's episode I talk about what this lo...
Season 2024
Episode 112

How I am Learning to Mourn with and Comfort others
I thought I knew what it meant to mourn with those that mourn and comfort those that need comforting. But I didn't quite fully undersand. In this brief episode I will share with you what I am learning and the impact it is having on ...
Season 2024
Episode 111

What I am Learning From a Broken Heart
My heart is broken, and I suppose it will be for a very long time. As I am mourning, I am learning what it is to be comforted, truly comforted in very personal way. Today I want to share with you what I am learning from my bro...
Season 2024
Episode 110

What I Hope For In 2024
It's a new year. In the past I would be excited for the new year, making long lists of resolutions and goals for myself. But this is year is different. Honestly, the thought of making any type of resolution or goal for this u...
Season 2024
Episode 109

It's Not Going to be a Terrible Christmas
This Christmas is going to look a lot different for our family. And to some, it might seem like we are going to have a terrible Christmas. Today I will share, briefly, my thoughts as to why I will have a good Christmas this year.&nb...

When Life Takes an Unexpected Turn
Four months ago my life took a very unexpected turn. In today's episode I will share with you where I've been and the impression that has carried me through. If you are willing to come on this journey with me, maybe to...
Season 2023
Episode 107

The Reason Why You Aren't Happy
I confes, I am a self-improvement junkie, so to speak. My bookshelf is lined with a wide variety of self-help books spanning the topics of, marriage, motherhood and parenting, spiritual growth, goal setting, productivity, mind...
Season 2023
Episode 106

You Have Options
When we are feeling stressed, often our brains get stuck thinking that there is only one option regarding the situation. For many, thinking there is only one option available, causes immediate overwhelm and sometimes even a little panic....
Season 2023
Episode 105

God Always Has My Back
I don't believe in coincidences. I don't. I believe that God always has my back and what some people call coincidences, I call tender mercies.Tender mercies are described as very personal and individualized blessings, ...
Season 2023
Episode 104

Small Shifts Make a Big Difference
I have come to realize that before I can make any type of improvement or progess in my life, I have to create shifts in my thinking and belief first. These shifts don't have to be big. In fact, consistently making small shifts in my...
Season 2023
Episode 103

It's Okay to Look Back Sometimes
Yesterday I saw a sign that read, “Don’t look back. You’re not going that way”. This has become a very popular sentiment, especially when it comes to our mental health and well being. But, I don’t fully agree with this idea o...
Season 2023
Episode 102

How to Create Postive and Loving Relationships with Sarah Curtis Part two
Sarah and I are back to discuss even more ideas on how to create positive and loving relationhsips. It's no secret that men and women think differently, act differently, and feel love differently. And because of this, marria...
Season 2023
Episode 101

How to Create Postive and Loving Relationships with Sarah Curtis
Episode 100 is here, and I knew I wanted to discuss something that is extremely important to me. This topic is something that I am so passionate about, and one that I have devoted most of my life, my time, and my energy into. Over ...
Season 2023
Episode 100