Embrace It All!

How Do You Want To Show Up?

Angela Adams Season 2023 Episode 96

On this episode we will explore  a very simple concept, or rather a question that has made such a profound impact in my life since starting this work.  It’s a question that makes you stop and when answered, puts you in control of whatever situation you may find yourself in.  Here it is:    How Do I  Want to Show Up?  Meaning: 

What is it I want to think? How do I want to feel, and how to I want to be?  (behave, act, respond, etc) in relation to the circumstances that I am in, or will be in. 

For so long I believed that the way I felt on any given day really depended on the on what was happening around me; I thought that the circumstances or situations in my life determined how I felt, or how I responded.  When I discovered that my feelings had nothing to do with the circumstances in my life, and everything to do with the way I thought about these circumstances, it changed everything for me.  

The only thing we can control is the way we show up/what meaning we give to that circumstance and how we respond.  and the way we respond to these circumstances will create the experience we have.

In other words, we don’t have control over our circumstances, but we do have control over how we respond.     

We can intentionally DECIDE ahead of time what kind of experience we want, and create that experience no matter what the circumstance by answering the question, “How do I want to show up?”   

Asking yourself this question Can be extremely useful when facing a new, or challenging experience.  As I work with clients, many times during our coaching sessions I will ask them this very question.   I do this for a few reasons:  

1.    To help them understand that they have a choice in how they respond to their circumstances

2.    To help them understand that they don’t have to be a victim of their circumstances

3.    To help them understand that they can create the experience they want to have

4.    To help them be intentional

This one question can change everything for you!

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